Tricks (UK)

ERA Change:

On the day of an ERA change some preparations can improve your situation.

Stop using research points aprox 12 hrs before ERA change, so the bank is full at the start of a new ERA. (but if you is close to finishing the coupling, do so).

Save money for the engine house upgrade.

Save your free lottery ticket of the day to after the ERA change - you might win an engine.

Passenger transport:

Be sure to include passengers for the return when making a schedule for a passenger train. If not it will run empty one way.

Advert movies

To gain extra bonus you can watch adverts. Some of the movies are quite long (10 min). just stop the movie and restart it, a new and maybee shorter movie will be presented


Push is when we do an extra effort to level up the city.


In the beginning of the game there are only industries related to required goods; but later there are many industries, and player can haul different things, even also in other cities, to make cash.

So PUSH will be annonced in good time later in the game, to give players a chance to bring trains to Stalstad.


When PUSH is called players should set traing to haul Required Goods, but it is accepted that you on the way from the city to the RG, picks up support for RG. EG. Pick up wood on the way to Boards.

If you participate in a competition during PUSH you should return your trains to RG as soon as possible after you have finished the comp.


When PUSH DIRECT ONLY is called. the train should only carry RG to city (and no pickups on the way)


During PUSH DIRECT ONLY you are strongly suggested NOT TO participate in competitions (except for RG to Stalstad)


During Push and PUSH DIRECT ONLY you can park your pax trains in the museum and only use cargo trains


A Sitter can look after your trains when you have been offline for more than 12 hrs.To set a sitter select "Settings" in upper righthand corner and select "Sitter"

Set one or two players that can sit for you. Remember to tell the sitter how you want your game. Which buildings to upgrade, how to research etc.